Prizes Announced for Bike to School Week!

There’s still time to register your school for Bike to School Week (May 30 to June 3)! Schools in Ontario are encouraged to sign up to receive a package of resources and materials to plan, promote, and deliver bike-friendly events in the classroom or the schoolyard. 


Today, we’re excited to announce that prizes have been added to the Bike to School Week offering! Any school that has registered on or before June 3, will be entered into a prize draw to win 8 prize packs including a $50 Canadian Tire Gift Card and a copy of The Car That Wanted to be a Bike OR City Streets Are for People

Prize winners will be contacted in mid-June using the email address provided in the Bike to School Week registration form.

Special thanks to Green Communities Canada, Ontario Active School Travel, and Groundwood Books for their support!


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Address: 401 Richmond St, 375, Toronto, ON M5V 3A8